Friday, December 29, 2006

See, Emma, this makes such a great picture. You try it!
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Playing with Christmas farm animals?
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I think he's figured this present thing out.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett
The loot.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I promise, pictures are forthcoming.

I left the camera out in the living room and will post pics tomorrow night, but I just wanted to write this down while I'm here.

Today (well, yesterday at this point) was a fun day. Andrew got Christmas today. Up until today, he had no idea what was going on, nor did he really care. We put up a Christmas tree and decorated it a couple weeks ago; after that he didn't care about it. We've been putting a few presents underneath it every so often; after the first couple he never noticed. He's been talking about Santa, but had no idea what he did.

This morning he woke up and relocated his bedroom into ours like normal (every morning that he wakes up on his own, he comes into our room with Hoppy, a pillow, a pillow case, two blankets, and whatever else might be on his bed and plops on ours). After he got into our bed I asked him if Santa left him anything in his. He looked at me quizzically and I pressed further. I told him that I thought Santa had left a Curious George doll in bed with him.

"George?" he asked me.

I convinced him to check it out. Thump, thump, thump, thump went little footy-pajamas down the hallway.

Mere seconds passed.

Thump, thump, thump, thump came little footy-pajamas down the hallway and he came back into our room holding George like a little baby.

"Santa gave George!" he squeaked over and over again until we left to open presents in the living room.

Even then, he didn't realize that the boxes under the tree were for him. We worked for a few seconds to convince him to tear into the first present and from that point on, he was hooked.

He'd open one, play with it for a little bit (or hand it to Mom or Dad to dismantle the packaging) and bring out the next one, asking, "Tear off?"

Whenever he'd open a toy, he'd proclaim, "Santa gave toys!"

So, now I'm sure he knows Santa as well as the materialism and commercialism of Christmas. We just need to get him to understand Christ as well as the humanity and empathy of the season.

This should make next year fun.

(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Thursday, December 21, 2006

More cookie decorating.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tiggers and monkeys both go "boing"

(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett
My hat came off!

(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Monday, December 18, 2006

Decorating the tree
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Playing soccer at grandma and grandaddy's
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett
An Andrew type cookie

(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Friday, December 15, 2006

Decorating sugar cookies!
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Running up Grammy and Grampy's driveway.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett
Decorating as far as he can reach
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Monday, December 11, 2006

Wow, I have a knack for pressing the shutter button at the wrong time!
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett
Smiles at the Cherry house.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Running around half-naked at Grandma and Granddaddy's
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bumpin' down the stairs at Grandma's
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

He makes me so proud!
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Who knew that Pablo was so patriotic (and artistic)?
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Monday, December 04, 2006

Running around Grandma and Grandaddy's house with a hat on.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Sunday, December 03, 2006

How do I get into these crackers again?
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Okay, okay, I'll put it on the tree.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett

Friday, December 01, 2006

But I'm so sleepy, and it looks an awful lot like a pillow.
(c) 2004-2006 Scott Everett