Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A quick composite

I took the pictures on Sunday, but assembled them just this afternoon.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Words of encouragement.

Matthew and I went running today.  On the last hill, he turned around in his stroller and said, "Keep running, Dada.  We're almost to the car."  I almost stopped just to hug and squeeze him right there, before we even finished.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Monday, March 28, 2011

Scenes from Ren-Fair

Andrew loves these things.  He always wants to have his picture taken whenever he sees them.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Don't worry Andrew, you'll never figure them out.

At the Ren-Fair, Andrew found a labyrinth to follow.  He thought it was pretty cool until he got to the middle.  In the center was a little girl who showed him stones with lessons etched into their faces -- Honor your elders; Be kind to all; e.g.  Once he met her, he was totally confused and not really interested anymore.  That is, until she saw someone fall and left the labyrinth.  Then all returned to normal.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Matthew was very reluctant at first.

After I got him going, though, he thought that posing with the wooden mushrooms was the coolest thing ever.  He even found a couple others to lean on.

I had a hard time picking which ones to post, but finally decided to narrow it down to a scant 7 of them.  Which one's your favorite?

© 2011 Scott Everett

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I tried to get him to growl when he ate the turkey leg, but he wouldn't do it.

Where else would you walk around carrying an entire turkey leg but a county fair or Renaissance Faire?

© 2011 Scott Everett

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Enchanted Rock State Park

On Monday, we headed down to Enchanted Rock State Park; a natural reserve about 150 miles SW of us.  I spent the day with the boys hiking and taking pictures.  They were beat, but had a great time.

(Liz enjoyed her day off, too!)

Andrew edited this next photo, so please excuse the Martian colors.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Matthew has graduated to the big swings.

I don't remember exactly when Andrew finally gave up on the baby swings, but Matthew seems to have done it earlier.  It could be that, or I could just be denying that he's getting older.

Yes, that's an old Christmas tree behind him. Don't judge.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Saturday, March 05, 2011

School performance

A little while ago, Andrew had a performance after school.  He told us nothing about it.  We only found out when he brought the announcement sheet home one afternoon.  Apparently, they had been working on it for some time.

The whole class did a recitation and a song about the different continents and then finished with a dramatic reading of a story about South American wildlife.  Andrew didn't get to do the reading, but did get to be Antarctica; though he did have to check on that.

© 2011 Scott Everett