Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Been a while, eh?

Got my computer problems settled (for now).  I haven't taken too many photos of the boys in the last couple weeks.  We've been rather busy and all over, plus I didn't want a huge backlog with my main system being down.  I'll catch up soon.

Here are a couple of Matthew from Andrew's field day at school.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Last day of First Grade

Andrew took his camera to school on the last day and had the chance to take photos of all of his friends.  They turned out great and I think he had a blast with it.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Monday, June 06, 2011

I've been behind...

Here are some of the images I just pulled off of Andrew's camera.  They stretch back a couple months and include the Cub Scout Adventure Day, hiking at Enchanted Rock, eating at D's Mediterranean Delight, and naptime on the swingset.

© 2011 Scott Everett

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The church "camp-out"

Not even thunder could keep the church boys' spirits down. A couple weeks ago we were supposed to have a camp out at the lake with the elementary school boys from the church. Sadly, a stray thunderstorm ambled through the area that evening, nixing the plans to go out to the lake. Instead, we decided to pitch camp in the church's gym. The boys didn't care, especially ours. You just mention that we're camping and the two of them are completely sold. 

Here's the set-up:

And here's how the boys spent the first couple hours.  Neither one of them would hang with the other kids.  Fret not, by the end of the evening, they were both running their fool heads off.

Matthew by the indoor firelight:

© 2011 Scott Everett