Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Sure it's blurry, but Matthew wasn't exactly being cooperative this morning.  I could only get this one set of jumps out of him.  Who'd ever thing a 4 year old wouldn't want to jump in the house?

© 2012 Scott Everett

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blue and Gold Banquet

Andrew got his Wolf Badge this weekend at the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet.  Had I know he had the envelope backwards, I would have said something.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's First-Swim-Lesson Time!

You know what that means! Videos of the boys shivering immediately after! A good dad may let them get dressed first, but I'm sadistic like that.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I think we're doing something wrong

Matthew and I picked Andrew up from school on Tuesday and when we came home he immediately went over to his toys. Andrew was getting his homework in order and we heard the unmistakable crashing of toys being dumped on the floor. Andrew looked over toward the toy corner and admonished his brother, "Matthew really?"

Nonchalantly and with doe-eyed innocence, Matthew stated his case. "My birthday party is over, we can dump the toys out again."

Eo much for lasting life lessons.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Besties Painting

Matthew's best friend, Jaxson came over for his birthday party this weekend.  Nothing else mattered as long as he showed up.  Much to everyone's surprise, hanging a large piece of paper on the fence and giving them some tempura paint entertained them for about an hour while the rest of the adults got to engage in grown-up conversation (largely about the kids).
© 2012 Scott Everett

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Swim lessons

This week we started swim lessons for both the boys
Andrew has been taking them for a couple years now, but this is matthew's first time. It took Matthew a little while to warm up to the pool; he wouldn't even put his feet in for a little while. Once he did, though he was all smiles.

I just took some soaps with my phone. I didn't want my camera to make me miss his first lesson.

Monday, February 06, 2012

The Climbing Thingy

I like how the last one shows that having a climbing dome isn't quite enough for the boys. They have to incorporate a balloon into the mix to add to complexity.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Friday, February 03, 2012

Matthew was super-proud of his creation

Not that he spent long admiring it before he was off doing something else entirely.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Thursday, February 02, 2012