Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't tell Mom again (#blog)

via Instagram http://instagr.am/p/K8owT-sMIF/

Shh. Don't tell Mom (#blog)

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Hardcore Andrew got a haircut!

I told him to pretend he was hardcore.  That lasted all of 4 seconds and then he descended into giggles.

I was not happy with this haircut.  We took him in this weekend and he informed us that he wanted his hair cut short with the clippers.  We have never cut it that short before.  He said that he doesn't like it as long as it was.  I guess my hopes that he'll follow in my ponytailed footsteps are dashed.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Monday, May 21, 2012

It's so sad. He's stopped doing this.

Over the past few months he's made a conscious effort to correctly pronounce the number 0.  I've tried convincing him to keep this up as long as possible, but he's insistent.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chocolate face #2 (#blog)

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Chocolate face #1 (#blog)

via Instagram http://instagr.am/p/K2_QWHsMAs/

Skipping through the bluebonnets

These are from a couple weeks ago when we went to Meridian State Park.  Not only were they skipping through the bluebonnets, but they were also chasing butterflies.  How very twee.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Goofy Matthew

It's been a while, eh?  Here are a few of Matthew being super goofy in the driveway last night.

© 2012 Scott Everett

Monday, May 07, 2012

Saturday, May 05, 2012