Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The smell of new electronics

So I feel it necessary to explain the long absence.  You see we got a Wii in July and then had the TV crap out on us at the beginning of August.  So off to Best Buy to get the plasma we were planning on getting as a family Christmas present.  With the smell of all this new electronic equipment in the house, Scott's not so hidden inner geek is on a major power tripping high and the computer, camera, and daylight hold little allure to him right now.  I'm sure there are great photos of our trip (Matthew's first) to the beach, Andrew's birthday - including an awesome Agent P cake I constructed -  and the boys hitting baseballs in the backyard.  Eventually they will make it off the camera, through whatever software he's using, and into the light of day.  For right now, we'll just have to let the geek have his day.

I think there might be light at the end of the tunnel, he's managed to stumble into bed by 3:30 for a couple of nights in a row.  We won't discuss the number of night he's voluntarily slept on the couch recently.

Thanks for the patience,

© 2012 Scott Everett