Tuesday, July 12, 2005

We have reached cruising altitude

Ok, so its July and I haven't posted since shortly after Andrew turned nine months. Wow, have we been busy.

After becoming an accomplished crawler, Andrew got to show off his abilities on a trip to Aunt Brandy's wedding. The grandparents were duly impressed. The new cousin, Emma, less so, but hey, she was only four months old and still learning to take off her socks.

It was in Virgina that Drew's interest in self feeding really developed. Thanks for the fruit puffs grandma. Since then at least half of Andrew's meals have to be stuff he can put in his mouth himself or forget it. This does pose a problem since he still has no teeth. (Emma's up on you there kiddo). There's only so much you can gum. He has managed to find a way to suck the insides out of green beans, though.

June 2, 2005 - Andrew pulled himself up to standing. I know this because skot was due home any minute for another trip to Cook Childrens. I was so excited I almost ran off to get the camera. Thankfully, I remembered at the last second that that would be an incredibly stupid thing to do and then he fell. Nowadays, we have little baby fingerprints all over the blinds, TV, stereo stand, sliding glass door, and one curious hand print on the side of the chair. I'm just trying to figure out what was white all over his hand. As I'm sure everyone has guessed, just standing wasn't good enough for long. Andrew is now cruising along. Along the couch, bow window, entertainment center, around his learning table, tower, and toy box.

Along with mobility, Andrew's other motor skills seem to be making leaps and bounds. He's now pushing buttons. On his toys, he's been pushing mine for a long time. Just last week he figured out how to throw a ball. He loves to throw the ball and have you roll it back to him. He's also starting to stack things and sort them by shape.

In other summer fun, we took Andrew swimming on the fourth of July weekend. His Uncle Bill and Aunt Wanda have a pool. Talk about a happy baby. We got a float for him and he lounged in that for about 45 minutes chewing on a toy and letting us pull him around. Then skot took him out and the fun began. He splashed and giggled and even went face first into the water. He loved it. I figure we could have him swimming before he walks if we really tried. Hopefully we'll go again this weekend. (The pictures will be posted as soon as we get them for Bill and Wanda.)

In medical news, the last time we took Andrew to Fort Worth for an appointment, his measurement was shorter than the previous visit. Turns out, if this is the accurate height, then he jumps back onto the weight to height curve at the twenty-fifth percentile. What a difference a couple of centimeters can make. They didn't have an explanation and just asked us to come back to see the doctor in a month. The nurse practicioner we've been seeing felt trapped in the middle, because the doctor really wants to use a feeding tube and perform and endoscopy and we won't budge. If this has been all about a measurement error, I'm going to feel vindicated, but I'll try to refrain from rubbing it in their faces.

Well, that about catches everything up to date.

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