Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Banner day!

Wow! Two major accomplishments in one day. Today, Andrew not only had his first hair cut, he took his first real steps.

This afternoon we went to a local kids' consignment shop where they have someone on staff who cuts childrens' hair. I was really impressed with her ability to cut in a straight line while Drew's head was bobbing around like a bouy (a "bouncing baby bouy" if you will). He looks so much older now. He's beginning to look like a little boy and not a baby. I'm not too happy about that, but Liz is taking it pretty hard.

Then this evening Andrew wanted to do nothing more than walk around and around and around and around and around and around and around the house. After about 30 minutes, my back was starting to get tired from ambling hunched over. We were just about to attempt to stop (he tends to get somewhat obsessive about these things) so I decided to walk in front of him and let go of his hands. Usually he takes a half-step, gets nervous, and drops to the ground. But today he decided that he was going to try to get to me. Much to my surprise, he took three or four steps before he reached me and fell into my arms. Pretty cool! We did this several times, the biggest excursion being about six or seven steps, when Liz came by to take over. They walked around and around and around and around and around and around the house for a little while before Drew got bored with the circuit and wanted to hold his stuffed bunny. Unfortunately, his bunny was by the bow window and he was by the couch, holding Liz's hand (about a three foot distance). Well, being the expert walker he now is, he just took the few steps over and dropped on top of the bunny.

It must be the haircut that gives him new confidence. Either that, or it's my reaffirming presence.


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