Saturday, July 22, 2006

Strange little boy

Late last night after showering and getting ready for bed, I started to pick my way across the room to bed. You see, the dog likes to sleep on my side of the bed until after I make the high jump over top of him, at which point he gets up with a snort and moves back over to Liz's side. So every night I have to gingerly make my way to bed.

Well, as I was coursing the perimeter of the bed, I took one minor misstep and my foot landed on something furry. I immediately recoiled and prepared my ears for the audible assault of puppy shrieks only to hear nothing. Upon further thought, I realized that I had not stepped on the dog, but rather something smaller, plush, and very familiar. Being such a later hour, my mind struggle to place the sensation when it dawned on me -- Hoppy, I had stepped on Hoppy! Generally, wherever Hoppy goes, he is attached to a little boy, so I moved forward even more carefully. My foot grazed something new. It was a little foot, covered in soft skin.

Pausing to take inventory of the situation I noticed that I could differentiate a number of unique sounds in the room. Let's see, we have Liz snoring, Midnight snoring, and, what's that last one? Andrew snoring! The little man was out cold.

So, at some time during the night, Andrew got out of bed and came into our room to sleep on the floor. I have no idea how long he had been in there. He could have come in right after Liz went to bed or even just after I got in the shower later on.

I had a brief chuckle to myself, gathered the little boy and his kangaroo, and poured him back into his own bed where he remained until he woke Liz at 7:00am -- at least I think he stayed there.


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