Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Matthew Update

I feel bad for the guy, but I said I had to blog this and I will. Last night was a major milestone for the little guy. We were giving Matthew a bath and he was kind of fussy. He doesn't really care for his baths, especially the hair-washing part. Anyway, Liz and I were talking over the low-level whimpers from the bathtub when we noticed that they just ... stopped. Not a peep from the little, little one.

What could make a 4 month old ignore his surroundings and concentrate like that? Why, he found his penis, of course.

Now we should have held off on calling this a milestone until he repeated the effort. The Guinness Book Of World Records requires that before certifying their events, but we felt that this was too funny to pass up. The humor holds up even into the second boy in the family.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    i look forward for the day that i too can see the humor in that! maybe this little guy will be an overacheiver and figure it out before matthew did :-)
