Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth day of swimming lessons

Liz said he was even better today. He fulfilled his promise to jump in the water, several times. Well, apparently he would wait until his teacher got hold of his hands and then he'd jump at the last minute, but we'll count it as success. He splashed a lot and swam by himself back to the wall. Yippee, Andrew!

Today was a complete banner day, too. He took a Kung Fu Panda pillow that his Grandma and Granddad bought him to school for Show-and-Tell. He's never done this before and when Liz dropped him off, she and the teachers agreed that he probably wouldn't do it today, but we'd all give it a shot. To our amazement, he told the whole class all about the pillow (well, all that he knew - he has no idea about the movie).

He also passed a mile-marker that most parents probably wouldn't celebrate. The kids at school insist on calling him a baby. I know it's just because of his size and if he insists on being small, he has to learn to cope. Today someone called him baby and he spun around and informed her (I think it was a girl in his class), without hesitation, that he is not a baby. His teachers both said that, although they don't usually condone such discourse, they celebrated quietly to themselves.

All in all, I think he deserves to be as tired as he was this evening. It was a big day.
(c) 2008 Scott Everett

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