Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No pics today.

But I do have to share this amusing tale.

Last Tuesday I had a dentist appointment so we put the kids in school for the day. My appointment wasn't until later in the morning so I dropped them off and let Liz ease into her morning.

At some point after Liz left, I told Andrew to play with his toys, put Matthew in his bouncy-seat in the doorway, and jumped in the shower. Everything was going really well until, just as I was toweling off, I heard a *thud* followed by about ½ second of silence and then crying. Obviously Andrew had done something. I called him into the bathroom and asked him what happened. He told me that he had bonked his head on the doorjam in between the dinning room and the hallway into the bedrooms. I held him, soothed him, and sent him on his way.

As I was getting dressed, Andrew was playing in our bedroom and out of the corner of my eye I saw him almost walk right into the corner of my dresser. When I turned to see exactly what happened, I found him trying to navigate the bedroom with a large paper gift bag on his head. I grabbed the bag off his head and asked him if that was how he bonked his head the first time.

"Uh-huh," he said and sprinted off down the hall.

Such strange creatures, you wonder how they ever survive.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little froggy boy

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

Probably the last post about the party

A few notable things happened at Andrew's party last Saturday.

I think everyone had a good time. We started the party by letting the kids decorate their own bags for their party favors. While they were decorating, I hid the swag in the backyard and took photos for a scavenger hunt. They raced around the backyard looking for their prizes. Apparently it went pretty well because one of the little girls (Ashlyn) went home after the party and hid the stuff around her house for her little brother to find.

After the scavenger hunt, they played in the sprinkler for a little while and I grilled some hot dogs for lunch. Things got a little interesting here. Two of the kids were brought the the party by their grandparents. (The nine-month-old, Sydney, primarily stayed in the house and played while her sister Isabelle monopolized one of the sprinklers with Andrew.) Their grandmother made herself a hot dog with mustard and came into the house to eat it. She whispered to her husband, "The hot dogs aren't very good. You might not want one." How can you mess up hot dogs? Sure, they aren't culinary masterpieces, but you get exactly what you expect when you make hot dogs. She soon found out why her particular hot dog didn't taste very good. You see, she saw two yellow bottles of mustard on the table with the food, one labeled "Kids' mustard." I don't know about you, but I was unaware that Coppertone made kids' mustard. That's right, she put sunscreen on her hot dog. When she realized this, she apparently just scraped off the sunscreen, put real mustard on, and ate the hot dog. I didn't find out about this until after the party, but we had more than enough for everyone. She could have just thrown that one away and gotten a new one. I must admit, after hearing this, we were slightly embarrassed.

After lunch, the kids played in the sprinkler some more, had cake, and Andrew opened his presents. By then, some of the kids were getting tired, so we decided to end the party at about 12:30. Before they left, though, we had one more surprise We showed them a baggy of Tic-Tacs and told them that the night before the party we planted lollipop seeds in the yard. Lollipop seeds are quick germinating and they sprouted overnight. I opened the gate from the backyard and we had rows of Tootsie Pops sticking up out of the ground. The kids shrieked and harvested the crop as quickly as they could.

Andrew had a blast at his party and I hope the other kids did as well. I think it was a success.


(c) 2008 Scott Everett

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mommy and Matthew watching Andrew open presents.

Well, Mom is, I don't know what Matthew's looking at.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The birthday boy!

I know they are large images, but birthdays don't come around every day. That, and I don't have time to edit them right now. I'll re-post them tomorrow (along with more).

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Andrew did this all by himself

At first some of the letters were backward, but he took a step back, examined his work, and corrected them. Note also that the engine is in the front and the caboose is in the rear.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

Monday, August 04, 2008

Note to self:

We probably shouldn't let the 6-month-old feed himself.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett