Saturday, January 31, 2009

Let Me Out!

Matthew's gotten really obsessed with his new water table. OK, it's not exactly his water table. It's not really a table at all. He loves to splash in the dog's water bowl. Once he sees it, there is absolutely no stopping him.

The other day he kept getting in it over and over again. Finally, I got tired of chasing him into the dining room and closed the pocket door. Wow, I've never see him so obsessed with getting around an obstacle.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Friday, January 30, 2009

Andrew's still done taking pictures

I have a hard time keeping his interest these days when I'm snapping away. I figured he'd be used to it by now.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Thursday, January 29, 2009

There were two reasons we bought this house

First being the circuit that goes through the living room, down the hall, through the dining room, and out of the kitchen. You have no idea how many times we have lapped the house. It's great when the weather turns sour, the boys can still run around.

The second reason is the big bow window in the living room. Andrew used to love sitting in the window and watching the birds go by. It looks as though Matthew is following in his footsteps (or would that be buttprints?).

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What is this thinger for?

I was going to have some pithy comment, but I'm at a loss.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

A milestone reached

Matthew has a tooth! He got it almost 2 months earlier than Andrew. I'll have to verify that here.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The boys playing near each other

Actually, we have no problems with the two of them. They both love to play with each other. Just the other day Andrew was tickling Matthew during the bedtime ritual and Matthew loved every minute of it.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Andrew's all ready for the New Year. A little late, but ready nonetheless.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Andrew is still strange

I mentioned before that he's asked to go to the dentist. He also is a big fan of flossing. Rara avis.

This next shot isn't very good. It was taken in a dirty mirror and there was quite a bit of motion, but I thought it looked interesting. It almost looks like he's put on a ton of weight.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Andrew dancing like Dad

I taught him everything he knows.

And a link.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

A new obsession

Matthew is pulling up on stuff. He won't crawl, but he'll try to walk.

Of course it doesn't last too long.

Oh, forget it, I'll just sit.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Herbivore? Carnivore?

Nope, we're raising a Cheerio-ivore. Dude can pack away some Cheerios.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Old Blue-eyes

He's slightly slower and easier to photograph, but he does tend to get distracted by tasty toys.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Exchange

Matthew has really gotten into sharing. Whenever you are near while he is playing with a toy his favorite game is to give it to you and wait for its return. Here Andrew was playing in the backyard. Both were giggling like a pair of hyenas on NO2.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sharing video

And he loves to put things in and take them out, too.

Here's a link if the above doesn't work.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Monkey portrait

I got him to stand still for about 2 seconds to take these.

And then he was off.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett