Sunday, January 04, 2009

What a lucky 4-year-old

Santa brought him an iPod for Christmas. How many 4-year-olds do you know with iPods?

He's really excited about using it on Monday on our first run of 2009. Apparently, I have no choice in the matter (although it is supposed to rain - he'll be heartbroken).

Update: I worked on this for a little bit as an exercise in Photoshop.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett


  1. why does your son have an ipod and i don't? there is something wrong with this

  2. He's loved more

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Maybe one day soon he will be able to help me load my ipod!

  4. I'm sure he'll take a look at it next time he sees you.
