Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

What a trooper

Yesterday ... well, actually, the other day ... Tuesday to be exact, both boys had simultaneous doctor appointments. Both needed updates on their vaccinations, Matthew for 15 months and Andrew (gulp!) for kindergarten. Both needed 3 shots. There really is no preparing a baby for vaccinations. I did my best to hold on and ride it out. He cried, but calmed down pretty quickly after I pulled him away from the mean nurse.

Andrew, on the other hand, was a superstar. I talked to him about what was going to happen. I told him it was going to hurt; like being pinched really hard. I told him that it would be over very quickly and he'd be none the worse for wear. He calmly laid down and I offered him my finger to squeeze. I don't think he quite understood that part, but took my finger nonetheless. The nurse plunge the first needle into his thigh and he squeaked and started to whimper. I talked him through it and he grasped the purpose of the finger. The next two went by with nary a peep. OK, well, he peeped and whimpered some more, but a whole lot less than I would.

For being such a trooper at the doctor's office, I offered him anything in the grocery store (we had to get milk anyway). After explaining to him 26 times that he could pick whatever he wanted, he selected Birthday Cake Ice Cream. Not a bad choice, I must say.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Happy little boy

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Matthew cruising at the park

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

'Tis a sad, sad day

Tonight Andrew told us that he didn't want to sleep with Hoppy Kangaroo. Liz put Hoppy in bed anyway and, after she turned around to leave, Andrew put him back on the floor next to the bed. This is the very first night since before he was 1 year old that Andrew has not slept with Hoppy.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Andrew at the park (again ... )

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More swinging.

Can you tell these kids like to play outside?

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Clearly, the fastest way to exit the slide

Do you ever wonder what goes through their heads to make them think to do this kind of stuff? I do ... all the time.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett