Monday, August 23, 2010

Andrew's interview after school

Last year we interviewed Andrew after his first day of kindergarten.  It was such a great idea, that we are going to continue it as long as we can.  (I can't really see interviewing him after his first day of his junior year in college, but if he's interested ...)  Here's first grade:

We started the interview in a Jamba Juice, just like last year.  Unfortunately, the batteries ran out on the video camera after about 2 minutes.  That's OK, because it was too loud in the store where we started.  Here's the first take.  After this is the second take we recorded at home.

Andrew's first day of 1st grade (take 1) from Scott Everett on Vimeo.

Here's the second taken from home.  A word of caution: the following video may induce nausea, dizziness, vertigo, or epileptic seizures.  View at your own risk.

Andrew's first day of 1st grade (take 2) from Scott Everett on Vimeo.

(c) 2010 Scott Everett

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