Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I almost single-handedly canceled Christmas this year

I win Dad of the Year for this year.

A couple years ago my sister gave us the Elf on the Shelf book.  Andrew totally bought into it the moment we read it.  Since then, we've made a fairly big production of moving Sir Roger (that's right, he's a knighted elf).  Sometimes we've forgotten, but it usually coincides with evenings when the kids have been particularly infuriating and we use it as an opportunity to make it up to Santa.

We set Sir Roger out the night we got home from VA and Matthew got totally wrapped up in it which, in turn, emphasized the excitement for Andrew.  Andrew needed that little push this year.  Some of his friends have started doubting Santa, but he still wants to believe with all of his heart.  The Elf was just the thing to keep it going a little longer.

Probably inevitably, I forgot to move Sir Roger that first night,  It wasn't a big deal, as Liz got up before the kids and noticed it right away.  I'm sure you can predict what happened next.  There she stood, in the middle of the dining room with Sir Roger in hand when she heard Andrew's door open.  She had just enough time to place him in a new spot before Andrew made it down to the dining room, but, of course, Sir Roger fell over the moment she placed him by her kitchen computer.  She had a choice to make: upright Sir Roger and risk being caught or leave him and potentially ruin the magic of Sir Roger.  No matter what she did, she was bound to fail.  She chose the former and was caught.  Andrew stood in the doorway, mouth agape, his head swirling of the ramifications of what he had just seen: Mommy violating the Prime Directive of Elf on the Shelf mythology, "Never touch the Elf on the Shelf."

Liz quickly dismissed his fears about her moving Sir Roger.  She told him that Santa gave her clearance to upright him should he ever fall over, since he can't move except at night.  I don't think he completely bought it, but it's working so far.

That was just the first thing I was responsible for yesterday.

I pick Andrew up from school each day that I don't have to go to work, usually Mondays and Tuesdays.  Yesterday was no exception.

We talk about his day and upcoming events as we walk back to the car and drive home.  I love this time to converse with both the kids, usually with no timeline pressure.  This being the Christmas season, we talked about how excited we were and how hard it is to pick the perfect present, as Liz and Andrew had claimed they had already decided for me.  Here's a transcript of the conversation, to the best of my recollection.

Me: Andrew, what are you getting me for Christmas?
ACE: I can't tell you, it's a surprise!
Me: Do you think I'll like it?
ACE: Uh-huh!
Me: Why don't you tell me and I'll let you know if I'll like it.
ACE: No, Daddy, that will ruin the surprise.
Me: Don't you want to know what I got you?
ACE: Nope.  I'll wait for Christmas for the surprise.
(note: At this point I was convinced we were on the same page)
Me: But if you tell me, I'll make sure it's the right present.
ACE: ...
ACE: It's a lens you can drink out of!
Me: (realizing what just transpired) ...
ACE: (crying)

We were just pulling into the driveway when this conversation wrapped.  I quickly pulled Andrew out of the car when we stopped (leaving Matthew strapped in) and held him tightly.  Poor guy was traumatized at revealing his secret.

I took full blame for the incident and told him so.  I also told him how proud I was that he never even thought to keep his secret from me and quickly told me everything.  Usually that's a wonderful attribute, except in the world of gifts and presents.  I should have never pressed him, but I still don't think it pushed too hard and assumed we were thinking on the same lines.  Andrew's just an honest soul.  Lesson learned.

Father. Of. The. Year.

© 2011 Scott Everett


  1. Just an FYI the TV special for Elf on the Shelf dealt with what happens if the Elf is touched. they do get their magic back. it's a cute little show.

  2. Good to know. I'll have to look for it. That would solve a lot of problems.
