Friday, October 29, 2004

Old neighbors

We have these great, old next door neighbors, Jim and Doris Jones. Jim is an old WWII vet who might be starting to go senile and his wife Doris is a sweet lady who isn't afraid to tell Jim where to go. They fell in love with Drew the moment they found out that Liz was pregnant; that would be about 6 days before he was born. They have since adopted Drew as their own grandnephew; in fact, they signed a card to him as "Auntie Doris and Unka Jim" (I don't know why a grandnephew and not a grandson, but we'll go with it).

Earlier today they brought Drew his first Halloween gift - a ceramic jar filled with candies - and made Liz promise to give him the candy when he is old enough to eat it. I don't think it'll last that long, but we'll refill it and tell Doris that he ate it.

I can stand!
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Let me tell you. I am amazed at how much endurance these little things have. When he's not happy, he certainly can get your attention and keep it. On both Saturday and Sunday nights Andrew really didn't want to go to bed, but we put him there anyway. I have never heard such squealing. You would have thought that we put hot coals in his bed with him. The sad part is that on both occasions he was in a wonderful mood before we put him down; smiling and giggling at us. It broke my heart to put him in bed knowing that he'd be mad at us for it. At least he's too young to hate us for a while.

Sorry about the name change (if you even noticed it), but I did a Google search and found a professional web design firm with the name "Midnight Designs" and decided that, in a spirit of altruism, I'd change the name of my blog before I received a cease and desist letter in the mail. I'll leave it to you to find out what "hypnagogic means."


You can't smile with the pacifier in your mouth.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Is sleeping all he does? I can tell you that when he is awake, he can let everyone know about it!
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Saturday, October 23, 2004

A good baby-day!

Today was a great baby-day. I had a long day at work today, but when I got home the little one was in a great mood. Just kind of makes all of the ills of my day disappear. He loves to show off his new giggle.

I was going to buy some new components for the computer I'm in the process of building (hard-disk and dvd recordable drives), but I think I'm actually going to buy that microphone I've been considering purchasing for the last year or so. I always thought it would be cool, but optional. Now I see it's necessary. This giggle only lasts so long.


Finally, a quiet moment.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Friday, October 22, 2004

Every day's an adventure

Who knew that watching someone grow up could be so much fun? OK, a bunch of you knew, but I didn't believe it until now. I was talking to my parents on the phone last weekend and told them that I found something that could render all religion obsolete; something that answers that oft-repeated, cliched philosophical query, "Why are we here?" -- infant smiles. I need to amend that today. I think the answer is actually infant giggles. Drew and I were playing on the couch this evening after a not-so-great day at work and he started giggling every time I lifted his head and shoulders. The rest of the world outside the sofa just melted, leaving the two of us, laughing and talking, alone in our own universe. Being a dork is so much fun!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Such tiny hands.
(c) Scott Everett

Here's my first photo upload of the most beautiful baby boy.
(c) Scott Everett

This is just a test post to see if I can figure out the picture publish function.
(c) Scott Everett

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


The entire point in setting up this blog was to post photos of the baby where everyone who wanted to see them would be able to. It seems that I can't upload my pics right now. We just got a roll of b/w film back from the processor and I really want to show some of them. I've been working on this for 2 days now and I think I might be getting close to figuring out what the problem is.


Whew! What a day!

Today was definitely a bad day to be a baby. Andrew did not want to take a nap, nor was he interested in eating until about 5pm. At that point, we couldn't get enough food into him and we couldn't get him into bed fast enough. We'll see how tomorrow goes.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Here' s my attempt to simplify the distribution of Andrew photos and the like. Hopefully I will be able to maintain this a little better than a full webpage, which I may design later on. This should go live in the next week or so.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Photo viewer

Here are some of my other photos!

(c) 2007 Scott Everett