Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Let me tell you. I am amazed at how much endurance these little things have. When he's not happy, he certainly can get your attention and keep it. On both Saturday and Sunday nights Andrew really didn't want to go to bed, but we put him there anyway. I have never heard such squealing. You would have thought that we put hot coals in his bed with him. The sad part is that on both occasions he was in a wonderful mood before we put him down; smiling and giggling at us. It broke my heart to put him in bed knowing that he'd be mad at us for it. At least he's too young to hate us for a while.

Sorry about the name change (if you even noticed it), but I did a Google search and found a professional web design firm with the name "Midnight Designs" and decided that, in a spirit of altruism, I'd change the name of my blog before I received a cease and desist letter in the mail. I'll leave it to you to find out what "hypnagogic means."


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