Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Whew, what a month

I think I went the whole of February without posting anything. Let me tell you its been a crazy month. On the plus side, bath time has become a whole lot longer and wetter. Drew has discovered spalshing and likes to try and catch the water when you pour it over him. Nap time was also going smoothly. Andrew was putting himself to sleep for his afternoon nap after a book or two and rocking for a short while. He was even sleeping for an hour or more. Morning nap, well its still a work in progress.

If you'll note, I said naps were progressing, not are. Well, last week the flu came to visit. Andrew started throwing up Tuesday afternoon, that was followed by a fever, and the runs. By Saturday he was recovering nicely, until he suddenly decided that he didn't want to eat. Now he happened to be very hungry, which made for a very grumpy baby. Finally, after going almost twelve hours without food, I shoved some pears in his mouth mid-scream. I knew eventually he'd have to swallow and a couple of screams later he did. That's when he decided that maybe food would be good. Needless to say, he woke up lot that night to eat (and unfortunately throw up some of it). Since then, eating and napping have been difficult to say the least, but now that I'm on the mend from the flu (got it Sunday) and Drew seems to be completely recovered, I'm hoping to get things back to normal soon.

We also saw the specialist last month and were told that they haven't found anything wrong with him and don't expect to. Regardless, the doctors still think he's too small and want us to keep shoving as much food in him as possible. I'm still holding out from putting corn oil in his cereal, though. I'm willing to wake him up in the middle of the night first. There's just something about that that seems wrong. Next, they'll be telling me to let him chew on a stick of butter. We have another appointment in April. More than likely, we'll find out that there's still nothing wrong. Right now I'm just hoping that he didn't loose too much weight with the flu.

Well, I think that about covers it

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