Monday, April 18, 2005

Creeping along

Well, in the search for mobility, Andrew is taking great strides - backwards. He's recently started creeping, but so far only backward. He'll scoot along backward until he sees something he wants and then roll to get it. Its a lot of fun to watch, but makes me questions why I ever thought a dog with black fur that sheds a lot was a good idea. Actually, I have know idea how people raise kids without a dog. Midnight entertains Drew and cleans up after him.

Healthwise, Drew is still plotting the same course. He's up to 14lbs, depending on the scale. We've agreed to put butter in his foods and are attempting to get him to take formula from a syringe. skot has some success with this method, but I guess I just don't have enough patience and Andrew usually just spits it all out. There is an upper GI x-ray scheduled for next month and we're also supposed to take him for a speech assessment to determine if a special nipple will get him back on the bottle. I have a stong suspicion that Drew just doesn't want to take a bottle and isn't going to, but we're going to try. I've promised myself and Andrew that this will be the last round of testing.

Someone remind me when I meet God face to face that I want to thank him for giving me such a wonderful child. Andrew really has been great through all of this even if his mother is going nuts from it all.


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