Monday, April 04, 2005

Hypnagogic Designs

Well, Drew has now seen his first Easter and MLS opening day. Actually he slept through opening day. After a doctor's appointment at Cook's the day before and the Race for the Cure that morning, my baby was exhausted. Needless to say, watching DC hand Chivas their heads quietly was difficult for skot and I. However, since Drew will turn the big eight months in two days, I thought I would take a moment to reflect.

So far my boy has become an expert page turner, often turning before we're finished reading the page. He's also become an active participant in our games. Until recently he liked peek-a-boo, but I had to do all the work, not anymore. Now Drew will cover his head with anything just to get you to say peek-a-boo.

Sadly, gone are the days of being everything Drew wants or needs. My little boy is going to be an independent little cuss, just like both his mom and dad. Already he gets frustrated if he's trying to do something and we step in too quickly to help. Also gone are the days of my power napper. The secret - a blanket. If Drew has something to cover his face with he can easily put himself to sleep and stay that way. Afternoon naps were the first to lengthen around six months of age. Next, I had to let go of the morning nap we took together. A couple of weeks ago, I started putting him in his crib to take his morning nap. He had no problems. It almost killed me.

Speaking of sleeping, Andrew is also starting to sleep on his stomach. He's been rolling from back to belly for a while now and I keep finding him that way in the morning. He's still not pushing himself up to sitting or crawling, yet, but he does like to roll across the living room floor.

As for the previously mentioned appointment at Cook's Children's Hospital, Drew still isn't growing. He weighs in at 13.3lbs and according to the charts should be at 17lbs. I don't know where he's supposed to put an additional four pounds. I think if his cheeks get any fatter his head might explode, but its supposed to fit somewhere. The doctor is now threatening to insert a feeding tube if we can't pack on the pounds quickly. skot and I are apprehensive and frustrated that it seems that we keep getting asked the same questions and no one is listening, but we're trying to get Drew to eat as much as possible. We're waking him up at night to feed him and adding formula powder to all of his solids. Unfortunately, bottles are still a problem, so we haven't been able to fortify his main source of nutrition, me. We just have to keep trying and praying. I'm blaming all of this on the Everett genes. The Cherry genes have you start small, but at least you don't stall out at a crucial time.


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