Thursday, March 30, 2006


For those of you concerned about Andrew's caloric intake, I include his breakfast from the morning of 3/28/06:

1/4 waffle -- not an Eggo, but a manhole sized waffle with dark pools of sticky syrup
2 strawberries
a handful of Swirls cereal
1 entire, complete, full, and otherwise unblemished buttermilk pancake. Again, not your average sand dollar sized pancake, but a skot sized, dinner plate girth pancake, replete with more sticky, maple syrup
1 8-10oz. glass of whole milk.

I'd love to see the calorie count on that!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    sounds like a breakfast that i would like to eat!!!

    i still think mom will be concerned about his caloric intake though. i mean he didn't go back for seconds :-)
