Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Petting the star fish at Galveston Aquarium at Moody Gardens.

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, May 28, 2007

Andrew's very first school performance. His day care had a graduation for the five year olds and each class performed something before the ceremony. Andrew's class sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star."

At first we weren't sure if we'd go to this, but in the week leading up to the event, he got more and more excited. He kept singing the song and going through the hand motions (he really liked putting his thumbs and forefingers together for "Like a diamond in the sky."), so we figured that we had to go. Even at that point we weren't sure if he'd actually go through with it.

We were mighty impressed. He really seemed to enjoy himself up there. Now, his hand movements were small and below his chest, but he mostly smiled throughout the whole thing. Plus he got a star with his name on it.


The two group photos here and the first two photos here.

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sun-kissed little boy.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A long, hard day playing at the beach can wear a little one out. Can you believe he still whined about leaving?
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sand castles with Mommy.

Swimming with Daddy.
Yelling at the water?

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Last two pictures from the train museum.

This was one excited little boy. The whole trip down to the coast, he kept talking in the car, repeatedly asking if we were going to the beach. He barely slept on the 4 hour drive (not my son!). We kept telling him that we had to get there first.

When we finally got to Galveston, he asked when were going to the beach. We decided that we'd hit the train museum first and you've seen those pictures. After we left the museum he asked, "Beach yet?" We told him that we had to check in to the hotel room, change clothes, and then we'd walk across the street to go to the beach.

We got to the hotel (Victorian Inns & Suites -- not bad), checked in, and went up to our room. We rented a suite and no sooner had I unlocked the door and opened it, than Andrew darted inside and started to change his clothes. Before we could get a single bag through the door, my son was completely naked in the living area asking if it was time to go to the beach.

After a quick change of clothes, we walked over to the beach. Now, Andrew is still very shy around other people. These last 18 months or so in daycare have helped immensely, but he's just a shy guy. Not today! We got to the beach and before Liz and I could spread the blanket out, he had his bucket in hand and was in the water ready to go. The whole weekend we had to make deals just to convince him to get out of the water even for meals.

We interrupt this beach-cast for other news. Andrew loves corn. Even better, Andrew loves corn on the cob. Andrew also loves to shuck corn on the cob. He thinks that it looks like a spaceship, so he has dubbed it, and it will now forever be known as "Rocket Corn." Best. Name. Ever.

(An aside: I was looking for some style advice from the Modern Language Association ( and came across some new "rules" that really bothered me.

I found out they recommend that if a title begins with a numeral, it should be alphabetized as if the number were spelled out. So the nursery rhyme "3 Blind Mice," for example, would be filed under, "Three." I have always understood convention to be that numbers are organized in order (1, 2, 3, ... 19, 20, 21, ... 1,973,487) before letters.

I also found out that modern convention requires only one space follow the termination of a sentence. A style change dictated by modern typesetting. Not only does the MLA recommend this (though they do say that there is nothing wrong with continuing to use two spaces), but I just realized that Blogger here changes my posting to fit this new convention. Rest assured, I continue to use two spaces.

I know, I know no one cares. But I'm obsessive about that sort of stuff. I'm sure my sister will empathize. That's all.)

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Friday, May 18, 2007

More tickling, and this time, he's responsible. I have no idea what he was doing to Liz, but apparently it was really funny.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Whoa! That's a big darn train wheel.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

He seems at home in the train yard. Though , I'd rather he work somewhere other than the coal box.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, May 14, 2007

All aboard the Tickle Express! Tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Friday, May 11, 2007

I would have posted a picture of Andrew swinging, but I was busy pushing him. How long until he learns how to do it himself? Oh, he might need to get a real swing first.
My ball's right here ... are you going to throw it? It's right here on the ground ... you can pick it up now ... I'll get it if you throw it ... just throw it, pleeease ... I promise to bring it back ...
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dad, can I just get on the swing, please?
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Like we never wash his hair.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sorry about the end of last week. AT&T must have been doing some maintenance and I had trouble getting online.

I also apologize for the quality of this pic. You see, Liz was headed to our bedroom at about 10:30pm last Thursday (5/3) and found this in the hallway. I didn't want to risk the time or the noise of getting the tripod out and set up or disturb him with the flash, so I hand held this shot (f/4.5, ISO 1600, 1s for those interested) and was happy that I got what I did.

I picked him up after taking the picture and poured him back into bed after slamming his door against the wall and almost dropping him (I guess I could have gotten out the tripod and used the flash). He never woke up. Whew.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

That was one soggy diaper when he was done.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

As soon as he can reach the pedals...I'll lock the keys up.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett