Monday, May 07, 2007

Sorry about the end of last week. AT&T must have been doing some maintenance and I had trouble getting online.

I also apologize for the quality of this pic. You see, Liz was headed to our bedroom at about 10:30pm last Thursday (5/3) and found this in the hallway. I didn't want to risk the time or the noise of getting the tripod out and set up or disturb him with the flash, so I hand held this shot (f/4.5, ISO 1600, 1s for those interested) and was happy that I got what I did.

I picked him up after taking the picture and poured him back into bed after slamming his door against the wall and almost dropping him (I guess I could have gotten out the tripod and used the flash). He never woke up. Whew.
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

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