Friday, September 28, 2007

Silly faces

I just love it when he comes home and says, "My friends do this!"

Listening to: +Live+ - Heaven
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Candy Land

That rousing game of Candy Land I mentioned:

Listening to: Hampton, Lionel - Flying Home Again
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Things started off so well on Monday. We spent all morning and early afternoon at the zoo and went to lunch downtown, but didn't get home until after 2:00pm. He was tired, but in good spirits nonetheless.

Liz put him down for a nap, but, as he usually does when he's overtired, he didn't sleep at all. Regardless, he came out into the living room and watched a little TV before going in to help mom in the kitchen (as seen previously).

I had gone outside to throw the ball for the dog and Andrew wanted to come out, too. He came outside and the day descended rapidly. First, he wanted to push his big dump truck around the backyard while I chased him. Being occupied with the dog, I said that I would later. The folowing pictures are the fall-out:

Liz saved the day by offering his sidewalk chalk. That worked well for about 6 nanoseconds. He started drawing on me. I told him to stop, so he immediately repeated the act, daring me to scold him.

We went back inside and the 15 minutes until dinner were salvage by a rousing game of Candy Land (photos tomorrow).

It's amazing how quickly he recovers from disappointment or discipline. He could be bawling his eyes out, making himself sick, and as soon as the discomfort wanes, either from distraction or release of punishment, he his as happy as normal. The world is so simple when you are three.

Listening to: Davis, Alana - My Way Home
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Two chefs

Sorry about not posting pics the last couple days. I had none to post. We've all been sick for the last week or so.

Here are the two chefs hard at work preparing dinner for two nights at one time.

Carefully measuring the potatoes, one cube at a time:

Listening to: Cottars, The - Georgia Lee
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Avast! Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, matey. Scour up the bilge rats and beauties, swab the deck, grab ye some grog, and prepare to walk the plank!

Listening to: David Thomas - What Do We Do with a Drunken Sailor
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, September 17, 2007

OCD still?

Not the greatest pics, but they do show you what we contend with on most days. Now, he is usually like most 3 year olds; chaotic, energetic, and wild. Within those bounds, however, there are always little pockets of order.

The other day we had a pecan tree lose a large limb in our driveway (I was up at 2:00 using a hand saw to trim it back so I could get to work in the morning). If you ask Andrew, that was one of the greatest toys ever. He loves to throw the pecans, but you will see that he has another talent with the nuts.

Somewhat ordered:

More order:

Even more order:

Military style:
Listening to: Seal - Crazy
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, September 13, 2007

DC United fan in the making

We let him have a special treat the other day. We don't usually let him do this, but he ate dinner while watching TV. Not just any TV, mind you, but the DC United drubbing of the New England Revolution (4-2). Though he wasn't as intent on the game as he was at the stadium, he still enjoyed it. He makes me so proud!

Listening to: Simone, Nina - Fast Food
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tormenting the dog

Whenever the dog actually behaves, we let Andrew give him a cookie. They both get a real kick out of it. Cooper loves getting the cookie, but really doesn't care for the manner in which he is allowed to eat the cookie. You see, Andrew insists on watching him from a distance of mere inches. Now, Cooper has never done anything remotely aggressive in response, but he does seem to get this pained, tortured expression on his face, as if to ask, "Must this two-legged beast disturb my only solace?"

Here, Andrew is actually feeding Cooper paper. This dog won't eat any table scraps (half the reason we have a dog, mind you) and took about 15 minutes to eat a piece of meat I threw to him the other day, but he will swallow paper handed to him by Andrew whole. The dog is not bright.

Listening to: Beastie Boys - So Watcha Want?
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Still jumping on the bed

I knew I had some better shots on the other memory card.

We told him that we were going to move him into the office when he graduates to a "big boy bed." He now calls this room his, "big boy bedroom office."

Listening to: Wright, Lizz - Eternity
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Andrew and Mom at the park

Liz joined us at the park the other day. Usually, we just play by ourselves, but this time we had fun together.

Wet, little boy footprints

Listening to: Lamontagne, Ray - Forever My Friend
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Monday, September 03, 2007

Thank goodness for municipal spray parks.

Andrew had the time of his life the other day at the local spray park. When the temperature is up to 100 degrees and you don't have a pool, but do have a hyperactive 3 year-old (redundancy?) who only wants to go outside, what else can you do?

Listening to: Djelimady Tounkara - Fanta Bourama
(c) 2007 Scott Everett