Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Round and Round and Round

Man, this kid loves carousels.

Liz had the hardest time convincing him to look at me as they went by. She kept pointing over and mentioning to him that I was there. He would then turn in the opposite direction looking for me. Strange little boy...

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, October 29, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Primates rule!

We finally found a home for our little monkey. If he wasn't so darned cute, we would have left him there.

And now for something completely different...

The little boy made me so proud the other day. On Tuesday, Andrew and I went to the local tropical fish store to pick up some fine specimens for our tank. He loves looking at all the fish and was perusing the tanks in the store when he asked me what one specific fish was called. I took the opportunity to try something relatively new with him; I told him to ask the woman who owns the shop. After a moderate degree of cajoling, he did manage to pose his question -- although I had to provide translation. For such a shy boy, he did exceptionally well talking to someone he didn't know.

By the way, it was a massive algae-eater.

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

He certainly got dirty ...

... for a boy who didn't eat anything.

Why is zoo food so expensive? And crappy? We spent $20 on 2 hot dogs, chicken nuggets, drinks, and chips and it had to be the worst fare I'd ever had. Why can't zoos upgrade their dining at least to stadium or fair food level?

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hoppy's cousin?

We went to the Dallas Zoo this weekend. Andrew had a great time except he didn't sleep at all on the way home (sun was in his eyes) and he came down with a cold that evening. At least the zoo was fun.

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, October 22, 2007


He took a spill in the driveway this week. He was pushing a little truck down the hill and hit a stick. The truck stopped.

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bath night!

Washing his thighs in the bathtub always seems to generate giggles. I wonder why.

Listening to: +Live+ - Like a Soldier
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Relaxing after a hard day of photos

Did you know that three year olds have virtually no fear? After he sat down for a few minutes, he decided to have a look at the river. He got within inches of the edge of the bank before I was able to call him back. Now, this bank has seen its fair share of flooding over the last few months and wasn't particularly firm, but he didn't care, he just wanted to get closer to the water.

Listening to: Miller, Bill - River of Time
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

His new skill is the ability to randomly, but intentionally fall on his butt. He'll be walking around and suddenly disappear from view. I look down, and he's on the ground giggling up a storm. All fine and dandy until he does it on a solid surface, like, for example, the hard wood floors in our kitchen. He claims it doesn't hurt, though ... and he's giggling, so I shouldn't complain, eh?

Listening to: Herman, Woody - Blue Serge
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Monday, October 08, 2007

Pics of ducks

Andrew has a pair of binoculars that he got from the local bird store. The guy just gave them to him, how cool is that? It must be nice to be one of the pretty people. Anyway, he likes to "take pictures" with the binocs. He especially likes to take pictures of birds (cardinals, grackles, ducks, ...)

Sure, he thinks he took this picture. It just perpetuates the amusement.

Listening to: Fighting Gravity - Turn to Me
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Saturday, October 06, 2007

We couldn't find the ducks at first

After a frantic search, we finally found some ducks to feed. We barely missed a meltdown, but hey, how much more fun can you have for only 60¢?

Listening to: 8 1/2 Souvenirs - Life Style
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Peek-A-Boo x2

On the way back to the car and on a desperate search for some ducks to feed, I asked Andrew to hide behind one of these trees. He didn't get it at first, he seemed to wonder why I would tell him to hide since I already knew where he was. Eventually, he realized I was taking pictures and started to ham it up.

On another note, Junior 2.0 can now officially be called Mr. Junior 2.0. After a week of uncertainty with the idea of having a girl, we had a second ultrasound today just to confirm the sex of the baby (shh, don't tell the insurance company). He was uncooperative at the beginning and the tech actually suggested that she really thought he was a girl until he made one quick motion and the tech just about jumped off her stool -- boy parts!

So, we are starting to take up donations or willing to accept delivery of a new wrestling ring for Christmas. We're going to need it with two boys less than four years apart.

Listening to: Common - It's Your World, Pt. 1 & 2
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

Running at the park

I asked him to step back so I could take a picture. Instead, he walked backwards a few feet and then sprinted across my field of view. I did my best to catch a few pics, but you'd be surprised at how fast a 3 year old can be.

Listening to: Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart
(c) 2007 Scott Everett