Friday, October 26, 2007

Primates rule!

We finally found a home for our little monkey. If he wasn't so darned cute, we would have left him there.

And now for something completely different...

The little boy made me so proud the other day. On Tuesday, Andrew and I went to the local tropical fish store to pick up some fine specimens for our tank. He loves looking at all the fish and was perusing the tanks in the store when he asked me what one specific fish was called. I took the opportunity to try something relatively new with him; I told him to ask the woman who owns the shop. After a moderate degree of cajoling, he did manage to pose his question -- although I had to provide translation. For such a shy boy, he did exceptionally well talking to someone he didn't know.

By the way, it was a massive algae-eater.

(c) 2007 Scott Everett

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