Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Peek-A-Boo x2

On the way back to the car and on a desperate search for some ducks to feed, I asked Andrew to hide behind one of these trees. He didn't get it at first, he seemed to wonder why I would tell him to hide since I already knew where he was. Eventually, he realized I was taking pictures and started to ham it up.

On another note, Junior 2.0 can now officially be called Mr. Junior 2.0. After a week of uncertainty with the idea of having a girl, we had a second ultrasound today just to confirm the sex of the baby (shh, don't tell the insurance company). He was uncooperative at the beginning and the tech actually suggested that she really thought he was a girl until he made one quick motion and the tech just about jumped off her stool -- boy parts!

So, we are starting to take up donations or willing to accept delivery of a new wrestling ring for Christmas. We're going to need it with two boys less than four years apart.

Listening to: Common - It's Your World, Pt. 1 & 2
(c) 2007 Scott Everett

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