Monday, May 12, 2008

Aren't little boys great?

They are at least bullet-proof. Just yesterday, Andrew had a black-eye, a skinned knee, and a scraped elbow. The scrapes were driveway-running accidents and the black-eye was a brutal Kool-Aid injury.

Liz was making Kool-Aid the other day and was trying to hide it from Andrew. I don't know why she was even trying, he sees all. He saw her and asked to stir it, which is exactly what she was trying to avoid. Well, after she put the pitcher in front of him on the kitchen table, he stood on his chair to get at the proper stirring angle. He's done this thousands of times before, a mere hundred or so just during last night's dinner (a story for another time). This time, though, his foot slipped and he fell straight into the wooden spoon handle. He jabbed his cheek and darkened his eye. Who knew the hazards of Kool-Aid? There should be a warning or something.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    It's obvious you need to retain a safety engineer to do a mishap risk assessment on the kool-aid preparation process. I know one who is available!

  2. If you know of someone, please forward their resume my direction. Mind you, the pay ain't great (we'll cook dinner every night) and the hours suck (24/7), but the work is fulfilling.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    seriously, you aren't supposed to stand on chairs to make kool-aid? i thought that was normal!!

  4. ...if you're 3.

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    crap i am neither of those! does 5'1 and 1/2 count???

  6. but you are under 5' 3" so you can use the stool if you want.
