Monday, September 15, 2008

And now, the daring, death-defying, and dramatic story of Liz, her sons, and cleanliness

Ok , so I've been absent in posting for, well, years. I haven't said anything since Matthew was born a I feel horrible about that. So with that in mind this probably might not be the best subject to start writing with again, but this is a story that has to be told.

skot called me at work today around noon to ask if I was on my way home for lunch (one of the benefits to an hour lunch and living a mile from work). Apparently Matthew was starving, so I headed home as fast as I could. It seems that my littlest angel is going through a mommy only stage. When I got home Matthew was fussing in the high chair, so I got him out to nurse. As he starts to eat, I discover a large bruise over his left eye. When questioned, skot tells me that he fell off Andrew's bed that morning. Apparently he saw something on the floor that he wanted, so in pure Matthew fashion, he decided to reach for it until he could get it.

While Matthew was nursing skot told me he'd make me lunch, but even though the boys had just gotten home from the grocery store, they had neglected to get anything for me. They had managed to pick up seafood salad for themselves, however (skot - She is kind of picky and I thought we had stuff in the house for lunch.). I settled for a ham and cheese sandwich, which I decided to eat on the floor in the living room next to Matthew. Andrew sat next to me for about two minutes and then popped up and ran into the kitchen. He came back in to tell me he spilled his apple juice beside me and can't find the paper towels. I'll give him credit to trying to clean up. After cleaning up the mess, I finish my sandwich.

Just after I finish, Matthew started to fuss. I picked him up and discover that his clothes were wet. Off we go to his room to change. I don't think I've ever seen a messier diaper. By the time I got him changed, he had managed to get poop all the way up to his shoulder blades. There was nothing else to do but put him in the bathtub. Trust me there's only so much wipes can do.

After the bath, Andrew goes into the bathroom to poop. Now you have to understand, this child feels compelled to take off everything but his shirt while sitting on the toilet and is happy to sit there for ages and sing to himself. (Those that know my brother just bit your tongues at this point). Finally it gotten to the point that I have to get back to work, so we convince Andrew to finish and wash his hands. This is another task that Andrew manages to spend ages doing and practically floods that bathroom. I keep telling him I have to leave and he starts crying that he wants to say bye to me (wave from the front window), but doesn't actually speed up. Finally he finishes washing up and starts fussing about wanting to put his pants back on. Yes, all of this occurred while he only wore a shirt. I march into the bathroom to scold him and end up laughing, because he managed to throw his underwear up in the air and have it land on top to the door. I get the underwear down and give him a kiss.

Next, I go into the living room to give Matthew a kiss and as I bend down he lifts up his arms to me for the first time. You have to pick him up at that point. Finally I get out of the house and while backing down the driveway, I wave to a little boy still only wearing a T-shirt. I have no idea at what point skot convinced him to put the underwear and shorts back on (skot - After nap, before we left for the store @ 4:00).

All that and I was only five minutes late getting back from lunch. No wonder I haven't posted.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

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