Thursday, March 12, 2009

I couldn't wait

It's been really hot around here for the last couple days. Today has been the first cool day in a while. Well, Andrew has insisted that he wear warmer clothing. So much so that the other morning he brought out a sweater even though the temperature at the time he was dressing was well into the upper 70s and only getting warmer.

I don't remember if this photo is from that day or one of the others surrounding it, but he finally decided that he was hot wearing his jeans. He was outside playing at the time and we told him to go in, get some shorts on, and come back out to play some more. What emerged from the house was nothing short of hysterical.

He somehow not only found and old pair, but managed to squeeze into the size 9-month shorts. As he came out, Liz and I doubled over in laughter. So much so that Andrew went over to Liz and asked her to stop crying. Tears streaming from her eyes, eyebrows raised in amusement, she told him she couldn't

You almost miss the full effect here, since I wasn't able to snap a photo of the entire outfit. Imagine, if you will, the following picture - those shorts (this pose is actually flattering to them - they barely covered his underwear) and the collared polo shirt, combined with socks pulled up to his shins and sneakers (blinky sneakers, no less). That's what we were presented with.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

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