Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Our last day in Pagosa Springs

After much drama, we finally checked out of the condo and took a walk through downtown Pagosa Springs. You see, we rented some DVDs from one of those boxes that sits in the front of the grocery store. It doesn't really like it when you try to return an empty box. So we had to get access to the condo again, get the DVD from the player, go back to the store, and return the movie, all the while running through the checklist in our heads to make sure we hadn't forgetten anything else.Pagosa Springs is known for the hot mineral springs that bubbles out right near the river. This was not fed by the hot spring.

I like the icy warning and the cactus.

After walking downtown and getting something to eat, we promised Andrew a surprise. On the way out of town there is a wild animal park and we thought that the boys would get a kick out of it, plus it would keep them outside for as long as possible in the hopes of tiring them out. We should have thought about the mud.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

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