Monday, January 31, 2005

Sleep? Who? Me?

I never thought that I'd pine for the halcyon days of six months ago, but lately I have. All those pictures of Drew sleeping that are stacked up at the beginning of this blog are but a vivid memory to me these days.

Actually, we've only had trouble these last two nights. You see, Drew had a cold earlier this week, if you hadn't noticed. Since then, he must have deduced that sleep is what makes him ill. He acts just fine from between dinner and the time we get him to bed (1900-2030 or so). After he sleeps for about an hour, he seems to decided that he's done and will not go back to sleep, even though he's completely exhausted.

Tonight, for example, we put him to bed at about 2015 and he fell asleep immediately. As soon as I got off the phone with my parents, he woke up (about 2130). We didn't convince him to go back to sleep until well after 2300. Ugh, that gets wearying after a while. Hopefully it won't last long. I'd hate to have to resort to vast quantities of bourbon at this early stage, I've only had to be a dad for six months!


More smiles!

(Yes, Dad, this is heavily Photoshopped. Feel free to comment at will.)
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Friday, January 28, 2005

For Laura H. -- See, he does smile.
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Drinking from a glass -- coolest thing ever. It might be even cooler than a red cup!
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

One sick little baby. Andrew has his first cold and he's miserable. Poor little guy.
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Monday, January 24, 2005

This is probably the tallest Andrew will ever be.
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Baby boys, baseball bandaids, and blogging

Whew, what a week. Sometimes, I don't know how or why I have been blessed with such a wonderful baby boy, but I really thank God. We made the dreaded trip to Fort Worth to see the specialist yesterday. Andrew slept for most of the trip up. We got there in plenty of time to wake him up and feed him before the appointment. For the most part, he was wonderful. He's developing a phobia of being laid down on tables, but I can't really blame him. He's gotten blood drawn 3 times in a week and a half. This time the bandaid was baseball instead of looney tunes and a fairly large bruise. The doctor seemed like a good guy. Basically, he just asked a bunch of questions and ordered a bunch of tests, but we didn't expect much else. Andrew has gained almost two pounds in a week and a half so everyone was happy. Of course he's still way off the weight charts, but when compared with his height, he's not too far off the mark. So for now we're just supposed to keep pumping him with food and go back in a month to see how he's growing.

Some of the suggestions we were given to help him gain weight were interesting, to say the least. I can wake him up at night to feed him (not a great idea for either of us, but worth considering). We can cut back on the baby foods and add more breastmilk (we're trying this one). We can add formula powder to his baby food (my idea, but nutritionist approved). Lastly, we can put corn oil in his cereal (I've been assured that he won't mind, but he doesn't really like cereal to begin with - I'm not sure my dining room is ready for this one). There were other suggestions, but they all involved a bottle. Since my stubborn angel won't have anything to do with a bottle we've just ignored them.

In other developments, Andrew thinks drinking from Mom or Dad's glass is too cool. You have to be really fast, because he gets frustrated if the water doesn't get to his mouth immediately, but its a start. Also, last night skot gave him an apple slice to suck on after dinner. In his vast experience of five and a half months, this has to rate as one of the top things to do. I think it might fall behind discovering his toes and learning to sit, but just barely. Other things that rank in the top these days include: being thrown in the air (this is a dad thing, I'm too worried I'll drop him), playing with anything that crinkles, taking his socks off, anything red, and watching the dog. We went to the zoo last week, but Andrew was underimpressed. He did get a good nap out of the trip though. At least it was a change of scenery for me. We'll probably head there a lot this spring, since skot bought a family pass when Drew was born.

Well, I have to get Andrew weighed every two weeks, so I'll keep everyone updated.


Hard at play.
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Friday, January 21, 2005

Every boy needs a security moose, right?
(c) 2004-2005 Scott Everett

Thursday, January 20, 2005

After a long, hard day of playing, it's time to relax.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

All those toys and he plays wih a paper cup.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The next David Beckham?
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Monday, January 17, 2005

Friday, January 14, 2005

After the doctor's visit yesterday. Poor little guy got stuck twice. At least he got one cool Bugs Bunny and one cool Daffy Band-Aid.

(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Thursday, January 13, 2005

There's no turning back now

Andrew knows his name. We can't go back now. He started looking up when you call him by name the other day. I know its extremely silly of me, but I'm absolutely floored by this new step. His identity, he will always be linked with a word. Ok, I'm a nerd.

In other developments, its amazing how quickly his first awkward attempts at reaching for things have changed into watch out the kid is on the loose. His favorite items to reach for are the remote for the stereo and the phone. If you try to use either, then his toys are no longer cool and only that will do. He's also in love with paper. Like all good babies, everything must go in the mouth first, but skot and I are learning to keep things out of reach. So who's learning curve is higher the infant or the first-time parent?

Well, we always knew Andrew was little, but apparently he's officially too small. I took Drew in to get his weight checked this week and he'd gained a pound. He's now up to 10lbs 8ozs. I was thrilled. I guess I was in the minority. The next thing I know, I'm taking him to have blood drawn (a horrible experience for both of us) and scheduling apointments with specialists in Fort Worth. We're going to take him to see a pediatric GI specialist next Friday. In the mean time, I'm supposed to be supplementing all his meals with formula. Hard to do when your baby won't take a bottle, but we're trying the sippy cup and regualr cups. No luck so far, but we'll keep trying.

until next time

Sorry, haven't downloaded the camera today, so here's one from the archives (last month). These play-gyms have to be the coolest things ever!
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Monday, January 10, 2005

We've been here too long, he seems to like bull riding.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

A boy and his dog.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Friday, January 07, 2005

Five months and counting

Well, we knew it was going to be an adventure, but we really had no clue. I can't believe that its been five months since Andrew was born. Sometimes it seems like yesterday and I'm not ready for him to be getting so big yet. Other times I can't remember what life was like before he got here. Its like thirty years of my life are gone and I've always been someone's mom. Its also amazing how having a child in your life makes you more aware of you every action. I know he's still super young, but soon he'll be emulating everything we do. This living by example thing is really tough. skot and I finally joined a church, instead fo being perpetual visitors. I'm trying to take better care of myself. We even have at least one night a week when we don't turn on the TV. All because I want to be the best role model I can. Hey, I figure it won't be too long before Andrew figures out that his mom is a total dork. I need to be an influence while I can.

Developmentally, Drew's still doing great. He's getting better and better at sitting. Seems happier spending more and more time on his belly. He still gets frustrated when his first attempt at rolling over doesn't work, but we're working on that. The pacifier makes it to his mouth about ninety percent of the time he tries by himself. He still lights up whenever the dog walks by. Best of all, he's getting more and more ticklish. There's nothing better than baby giggles.

Well, the power nap will be ending soon
Until next time ...


The aftermath.
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The picture on the left was taken when Drew was about 6 days old. The one on the right was taken just a couple weeks ago at 17 weeks old. He's gotten so big. I don't want him to grow up!
(c) 2004 Scott Everett

Monday, January 03, 2005

Here comes the applesauce!
(c) 2004 Scott Everett