Thursday, January 13, 2005

There's no turning back now

Andrew knows his name. We can't go back now. He started looking up when you call him by name the other day. I know its extremely silly of me, but I'm absolutely floored by this new step. His identity, he will always be linked with a word. Ok, I'm a nerd.

In other developments, its amazing how quickly his first awkward attempts at reaching for things have changed into watch out the kid is on the loose. His favorite items to reach for are the remote for the stereo and the phone. If you try to use either, then his toys are no longer cool and only that will do. He's also in love with paper. Like all good babies, everything must go in the mouth first, but skot and I are learning to keep things out of reach. So who's learning curve is higher the infant or the first-time parent?

Well, we always knew Andrew was little, but apparently he's officially too small. I took Drew in to get his weight checked this week and he'd gained a pound. He's now up to 10lbs 8ozs. I was thrilled. I guess I was in the minority. The next thing I know, I'm taking him to have blood drawn (a horrible experience for both of us) and scheduling apointments with specialists in Fort Worth. We're going to take him to see a pediatric GI specialist next Friday. In the mean time, I'm supposed to be supplementing all his meals with formula. Hard to do when your baby won't take a bottle, but we're trying the sippy cup and regualr cups. No luck so far, but we'll keep trying.

until next time

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