Monday, January 24, 2005

Baby boys, baseball bandaids, and blogging

Whew, what a week. Sometimes, I don't know how or why I have been blessed with such a wonderful baby boy, but I really thank God. We made the dreaded trip to Fort Worth to see the specialist yesterday. Andrew slept for most of the trip up. We got there in plenty of time to wake him up and feed him before the appointment. For the most part, he was wonderful. He's developing a phobia of being laid down on tables, but I can't really blame him. He's gotten blood drawn 3 times in a week and a half. This time the bandaid was baseball instead of looney tunes and a fairly large bruise. The doctor seemed like a good guy. Basically, he just asked a bunch of questions and ordered a bunch of tests, but we didn't expect much else. Andrew has gained almost two pounds in a week and a half so everyone was happy. Of course he's still way off the weight charts, but when compared with his height, he's not too far off the mark. So for now we're just supposed to keep pumping him with food and go back in a month to see how he's growing.

Some of the suggestions we were given to help him gain weight were interesting, to say the least. I can wake him up at night to feed him (not a great idea for either of us, but worth considering). We can cut back on the baby foods and add more breastmilk (we're trying this one). We can add formula powder to his baby food (my idea, but nutritionist approved). Lastly, we can put corn oil in his cereal (I've been assured that he won't mind, but he doesn't really like cereal to begin with - I'm not sure my dining room is ready for this one). There were other suggestions, but they all involved a bottle. Since my stubborn angel won't have anything to do with a bottle we've just ignored them.

In other developments, Andrew thinks drinking from Mom or Dad's glass is too cool. You have to be really fast, because he gets frustrated if the water doesn't get to his mouth immediately, but its a start. Also, last night skot gave him an apple slice to suck on after dinner. In his vast experience of five and a half months, this has to rate as one of the top things to do. I think it might fall behind discovering his toes and learning to sit, but just barely. Other things that rank in the top these days include: being thrown in the air (this is a dad thing, I'm too worried I'll drop him), playing with anything that crinkles, taking his socks off, anything red, and watching the dog. We went to the zoo last week, but Andrew was underimpressed. He did get a good nap out of the trip though. At least it was a change of scenery for me. We'll probably head there a lot this spring, since skot bought a family pass when Drew was born.

Well, I have to get Andrew weighed every two weeks, so I'll keep everyone updated.


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