Monday, August 31, 2009

Divine Intervention?

The other day, Liz was driving to the farmer's market, located in the primary event venue here in Waco, the Heart Of Texas Coliseum. She noticed quite a bit of commotion on the other side of the building, flashing lights all over the place. After the kids ate their mandatory peach intake at the farmer's market, they went to investigate.

They stumbled upon an emergency services awareness event designed for schoolkids. Most of the departments in the surrounding communities sent at least one emergency vehicle that was opened for the kids to crawl through - a fire truck, police car, ambulance, SWAT vehicle, helicopter (two actually, one landed while they were there), and tuns of others. Talk about nirvana for a 5 year old and an 18 month old!

Not only were the vehicles open, but representatives from each of the departments were there to pass out gifts to the little ones. Matthew got this fire hat and walked around with it on for quite some time.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Both boys getting dirty

How do they do it? We bathe them and bathe them and they still stay dirty?

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just an amusing note about Matthew

I wanted to share this with you before it was forgotten.

This evening I was charged with getting Matthew ready for bed. I had pulled him out of the tub and had him sitting on the changing table while getting him dressed. After I pulled on the shorts to his pajamas, he found his hairbrush, one of his most favorite toys.

I let him play with it while I pulled his shirt obver his head. His head popped out of the shirt and I held the bottom open so he could get his arms through. He put his left arm through with no problems whatsoever. It was his right arm that gave him the trouble.

You see, he was still holding onto the hairbrush in his right arm when it came time to put that one through the shirt-sleeve. He looked at his arm. He looked at the sleeve. He looked back at his arm and finally made a decision. If he couldn't get his right arm through the sleeve, he'd try to get the left one through.

His solution? Go through the outside. I had the pleasure of watching him trying to get his shirt on without dropping the hairbrush by attempting to put his left hand through the sleeve from the outside. You try it and see if it doesn't make you laugh.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Matthew has an obession with dirt

Note the cloud of dust behind him.

And he's getting more dirt...

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Monday, August 24, 2009

The first day is done - A mutlimedia presentation

When we picked Andrew up from school today, he was still a little shell-shocked. He was very quiet for the first 10 minutes or so after school. The biggest complaint from him was that lunch was, quote, "freaking him out." He has always eaten slowly and lunchtime at kindergarten was little too fast-paced for him.

As we were asking him how his day went, his teacher came by and told us that he was "awesome." She said that he was the only one out of a ll 21 students to do everything in class today. I hope this portends future events.

A friend of mine, Heather Overholtzer, suggested we do an interview with Andrew today as a memento of his first day of school. Talk about a cool idea! We took our camera with us and went out to get "milkshakes" at Jamba Juice. I haven't even watched this, but I know there is at least one section where he is drowned out by the sound of the blenders. We got some really good nuggets of information from this little 5 minute video (which I have split into 2 sections and will post later- now I know why I'm a photographer and not a videographer).

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

He's a kindergartener now!

I think everyone held it together this morning. There were no tears shed by the time we left. I can't guarantee that none were shed afterward. By that, I mean Mom's.

Andrew doesn't cry when he gets nervous, he just gets really, really quiet and pensive - like he's planning his escape.

He's been talking about this for 2 weeks now and has been super excited. I think today will go really well. I'll try to post something this afternoon when he gets home.

Is this the same little boy?

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Smells like wet kangaroo around here

This afternoon, Andrew decided that his stuffed animals were dirty (admittedly, he's correct here) and that he needed to wash them. He didn't give us the chance to tell him that submerged in the sink was probably not the best idea, especially since our dryer isn't working right now.

Unfortunately, he had to sleep without Hoppy Kangaroo and his cohorts tonight. I hope they'll be dry by tomorrow.

(c) 2009 Scott EverettAdd Image

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Andrew's 5th Birthday Party

We hosted his birthday party at the spray park here in town. A couple of his friends from school showed up and had a blast in the water and on the playground. Where else can you have this much fun for free?




To see even more photos, check out my gallery on my photography web site.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My parents just left this afternoon and I've started processing the images that I have taken over the last week or so. Sorry I didn't update much, but I was distracted hanging out with my parents.

Here are some shots of Andrew at the park:

(c) 2009 Scott Everett