Monday, August 24, 2009

The first day is done - A mutlimedia presentation

When we picked Andrew up from school today, he was still a little shell-shocked. He was very quiet for the first 10 minutes or so after school. The biggest complaint from him was that lunch was, quote, "freaking him out." He has always eaten slowly and lunchtime at kindergarten was little too fast-paced for him.

As we were asking him how his day went, his teacher came by and told us that he was "awesome." She said that he was the only one out of a ll 21 students to do everything in class today. I hope this portends future events.

A friend of mine, Heather Overholtzer, suggested we do an interview with Andrew today as a memento of his first day of school. Talk about a cool idea! We took our camera with us and went out to get "milkshakes" at Jamba Juice. I haven't even watched this, but I know there is at least one section where he is drowned out by the sound of the blenders. We got some really good nuggets of information from this little 5 minute video (which I have split into 2 sections and will post later- now I know why I'm a photographer and not a videographer).

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

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