Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just an amusing note about Matthew

I wanted to share this with you before it was forgotten.

This evening I was charged with getting Matthew ready for bed. I had pulled him out of the tub and had him sitting on the changing table while getting him dressed. After I pulled on the shorts to his pajamas, he found his hairbrush, one of his most favorite toys.

I let him play with it while I pulled his shirt obver his head. His head popped out of the shirt and I held the bottom open so he could get his arms through. He put his left arm through with no problems whatsoever. It was his right arm that gave him the trouble.

You see, he was still holding onto the hairbrush in his right arm when it came time to put that one through the shirt-sleeve. He looked at his arm. He looked at the sleeve. He looked back at his arm and finally made a decision. If he couldn't get his right arm through the sleeve, he'd try to get the left one through.

His solution? Go through the outside. I had the pleasure of watching him trying to get his shirt on without dropping the hairbrush by attempting to put his left hand through the sleeve from the outside. You try it and see if it doesn't make you laugh.

(c) 2009 Scott Everett

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