Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Ah, Summer

In honor of today being the upteenth day of temperatures in the triple digits, here is a recent conversation that occurred between me (Liz) and Andrew one morning on the way to daycare.

Andrew (from the normally quiet back seat (unless Matthew is celebrating life)) - Its going to be hot today isn't it?

Mom (ratherly bitterly) - Its hot everyday. Welcome to summer.

Andrew (after a brief pause) - I don't like hot. I like cold.

Mom (wistfully) - I like cold too.

Andrew - I like snow.

Mom - So do I, baby. Maybe someday we can go somewhere that has cold. (What I'm really thinking is moving out of TX)

Andrew (extremely excited) - Sunday!

Mom (chuckling) - No, baby. I said SOME day not Sunday. Maybe one day we can go where it gets cold.

Andrew (a little upset) - I want to go Sunday.

Mom (trying to prevent the meltdown I hear in his voice) - We can't go this Sunday. We have to go to church, so you can show everyone the dance you're learning at Bible School.

Andrew - I like Bible School. Do I have Bible School tonight?

Mom - Yes, you do.

At this point we had arrived at the daycare and Matthew decided to join the conversation. It gives me hope.
(c) 2009 Scott Everett

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