Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Bonus post!

OK, so they both did some wacky things yesterday.

Matthew is obsessed with Froot Loops.  Dangerously obsessed.  Like, we need to look into 12 step programs obsessed.  He probably averages about 3 bowls of the stuff every morning when we have it on hand (which is rare).  Today, after a container of yogurt and 2 bowls of cereal, Liz called him off and when he started whining for more, she moved the cereal out of his view.

That worked great for about an hour.  I left the room momentarily, not giving a thought to his roaring tummy (how could he still be hungry?).  When I came back, he had moved the cereal from wherever Liz had hidden it to the table, removed the bag from inside, put some on the chair, climbed down, and was happily munching away.


Later that evening, after Liz had gotten home from work, we cuddled with the boys on the bed for a few minutes.  Since mom and dad are much lazier than the kids, we are usually the last ones up.  We had been talking for just a few minutes when we heard a plaintive cry for help come from the living room.  This is what we found:

Andrew couldn't get down!  He had climbed up the window and found himself stuck.  As is our practice, Liz helped him down, but told him that the next time it was his responsibility to get himself down.  Hey, it works for climbing trees!

(c) 2010 Scott Everett


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    so cute!!Kelvan is hooked on fruit loops too maybe they can enter rehab together!

  2. oh my goodness the child loves froot loops. seriously i have to put the box on top of the fridge or he will flip out every time he is in the kitchen. although it's rather adorable to hear him say cereal
