Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break Adventure Grab Bag

So this week was spring break for Andrew.  I decided we need to make the best of the great weather and have some fun.  This led to the creation of the Spring Break Adventure Grab Bag.   I put a bunch of different things we could do from crafts, to watching movies, to a trip to the zoo.  Andrew got excited about it when I showed it to him on the Friday.

Monday and Tuesday, skot had things planned already.  They went to the museum on Monday and geocaching on Tuesday.

Tuesday night Andrew couldn't wait to pick from the grab bag to find out what we would do on Wednesday.  He drew two things and got to choose what to start with:  go to train store (Books A Million) and go to zoo.  He choose the zoo.  We met some friends also on spring break at the zoo and had a great time.  For Thursday, Andrew pulled scavenger hunt and build a fort from the bag.  After breakfast we started an alphabet scavenger hunt with a trip past the airport and ended up at the park.  We got all the way through S before lunch.  After Matthew's nap, we built the fort in Andrew's room.  Friday Andrew pulled hiking out of the bag.  I think I was more excited than Andrew.  We went to Mother Neff State Park and had a blast.  We looked at fossils, played in caves, and threw rocks in the wash pond.  I wore them both out and they slept in the car on the way home.  Saturday after breakfast at a new kolache bakery, we went in search of a new playground.  The playground wasn't great, Andrew mastered the monkey bars and I taught him how to jump of the swings.  Matthew enjoyed himself too.  At one point I turned to find him swimming in the gravel.  As our last adventure we went to the train store.  Saturday night the Adventure Grab Bag was retired, but Andrew has already asked for it to come back next weekend.  I can say we will definitely use the bag again.  It was great to break away from the errands, chores, and mundane that usually consume my days off and enjoy each other. 


Mother Neff #1 from Scott Everett on Vimeo.

Mother Neff #2 from Scott Everett on Vimeo.

Mother Neff #3 from Scott Everett on Vimeo.

(c) 2010 Scott Everett

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