Monday, December 13, 2004


Yesterday we decided to introduce Drew to cereal. Well, we didn't entirely decide on our own, he helped quite a bit. He hasn't had a bottle since the day before we left for VA. He had dinner on 11/17 from a bottle and has absolutely refused one since then. We've tried three different nipples, two different bottles, formula, breast milk, Riesling, bourbon (okay, those last two were for us, but we were at wits end). Who knows what's going on in that little head of his.

Yesterday's attempt at cereal was difficult at best. I don't know how well other children take to cereal, but Andrew did not care for it at all last night. I think he spat out more cereal than he ate. Now, we weren't exactly smart about how we did it, though. We tried a bottle first and he hated it. After a few attempts with the bottle, we decided to see if he liked cereal. We made the cereal with his formula and sat down to feed him. He was already worked up over the bottle to begin with and then we threw this completely different food source at him. Needless to say, he was shocked, confused, and kind of pissy about it.

We tried the cereal again today with much more success. We made it with breast milk and gave it much more consistency. I don't know if he like the cereal more or if he just wanted to chew on the spoon, but he ate about four or five spoons of it regardless. We'll try again tomorrow and then it's on to fruits and veggies!


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