Monday, December 20, 2004

Crisis averted

We had a start late last week. Seems that Drew decided on Thursday that he didn't like sweet potatoes anymore. That's exactly what he did with the bottle and we were afraid it was happening again with baby food. Liz nursed him that evening and the following day, with some trepidation, we pulled out the food again. I don't know what we were afraid of, those were the best sweet potatoes he'd had in at least a week (of course he'd only eaten them for about four days).

Today was a cranky day. I have no idea what the problem was; he'd eat, sleep, poop, and get changed but still was not happy about life. He remained grumpy for most of the day, seemingly whining constantly. Unfortunately, though, he's discovered the trick to getting what he wants. After all of that moaning, he managed to pull out one grand smile just before bed and all of his transgressions for the day were forgiven. Oh, this isn't going to be easy.


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