Monday, December 13, 2004

Laidback doctors and uptight nurses

Well, we had the doctors appointment on Friday. Boy is it rough to take a happy playful baby and have someone jab a needle into his leg, three different times no less. The doctor seemed really happy with Drew's development. He even commented that his eyes focus really well. Of course, that was after I got read the riot act by the nurse. Now, I've been less than impressed with her since day one, but this time she went over the top. It seems that Drew is going to follow in his daddy's footsteps and be a slow grower. He's only up to 9lbs, 8ozs. He does seem to be tall though at 24.5in. Of course since the nurse hasn't been able to read the scale in the past - she's over reported by a pound on each previous visit, now she thinks he's lost weight. Well, since she breastfeed her last baby and kept it in bed with her, of course that's the only way to do it. (She claimed that her baby would latch on and feed all night. Next time she comes at me with that crap, I'm going to ask when its gastric bypass is scheduled.) She was furious that he was sleeping all night. Apparently, although its normal for babies to sleep through the night at this age, I shouldn't be letting him do it. I should wake him up every four hours to feed him. Anyone, that's been around this baby can tell you that he'll only eat when he's hungry and when he's sleeping that's what he wants to do. grrrrr!!

After I brought Drew's supposed lack of weight gain up to the doctor, he suggested we bring him back in to check his weight in a few weeks. We'll see if solids make a difference or if he's just going to be small.

Small or not he's still obsessed with sitting. He's got the stomach muscles for it, but not the back yet. Any day now.


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