Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Merriweather Lewis? Ponce de Leon? Ferdinand Magellan? Amateurs!

The world suddenly got a whole lot bigger. I've had fun watching Andrew discover his world since he was born, but these last few days have been amazing. Its like the world just opened up in front of him and he can't wait to take it all in. Everyday, more like every hour, he discovers something new. First it was Midnight. Now Midnight has been around since before Andrew, but so far they've just been ignoring each other. That was until recently. Andrew is in love with the dog. He loves to watch him, pet him, and talk to him. For his part, Midnight is starting to warm up to Drew as well. He's been a lot more interested in him since we got back from Thanksgiving travels. He even seems to be amused at Drew's attempts to pet him.

Next there was sound. We never doubted Andrew's ability to hear, but he's never been that interested to toys that make noise until the past couple of days. It started in the car. All of a sudden Drew just started talking/singing to himself. Since then, he's discovered crinkly toys and rattles. They are just too cool for words, especially if he can put them in his mouth as well.

Yesterday, it was the mirror. There are two baby-proof mirrors on the butterfly gym, one of which we have hanging in the center. I noticed that Drew was watching himself in it while chewing on his toes (still by far the coolest toy). So I took off the bigger mirror and showed it to him. We spent a while playing where-did-the-baby-go, by flipping over the mirror so he couldn't see himself. Every time I turned the mirror back around he would shriek and giggle. There's nothing better than that.

Of course with all of this discovery, we end up with an over-tired baby sometimes. I'm still working on getting him to take more than a thirty minute nap by himself. So far no luck. Of course with Christmas packages arriving left and right, that means a dog constantly at the ready and many interrupted naps. This too will pass.

Well, its time to find out what today's discovery will be.


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