Saturday, December 06, 2008

Andrew in high school

We walked around the entire high school. Andrew found some really cool places to play, like a tractor tire with some exceptionally funky water standing inside.

OK, so I placed this one. It was just too funny.

After walking around the school trying each and every door, finding them locked, we decided to skip the last set. Upon second thought, we'd gone all the way around and it really wasn't much more effort, we decided to try the front doors. Success!

Those of you familiar with Fauquier High School will immediately recognize these two shots and find them amusing. Those who don't, well, won't.

(This is where Mike, Liz, and I hung out before and after school)

While in the school, we did hear beeping like, say, an alarm of some sort. We figured we couldn't get into too much trouble. We're two older guys with cameras and our kids, how much damage could we do?

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

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