Monday, December 15, 2008

Despite hope against hopes, it happened anyway

I just ushered Child Protective Services out our front door. I'm absolutely dumbfounded that they had to come out here, but they did. I supposed a little back story is needed.

We were in VA over Thanksgiving, as you probably well know. We got back on the December 1 and the kids went back to daycare on December 3 (I work Wednesday through Saturday, for those of you who don't know). When I picked the kids up from daycare that evening, Matthew had a some loose stools (he's going to love reading this post later in life), but nothing else that would generate concern. His bowel movements remained loose for the rest of the evening and we wrestled with whether to send him to daycare on Thursday. Eventually we decided that since he had no other symptoms at all, he would be fine at daycare the next day.

Liz dropped them off on Thursday morning and the daycare told her that they meant to tell her to keep Matthew home that day, but since he was already there and in good spirits they'd take him. Liz told them that she'd be back to nurse him at lunch and if he was not able to stay, she'd be happy to bring him home.

Over the course of the morning, he had a couple explosive poops and the assistant teacher determined that he should probably go home. She brought this up to the Master Teacher in the infant area who disagreed with her; he still wasn't running a fever or was fussy, just poopy. The assistant teacher continued to press her case and took it to the Assistant Director, who happened to be either busy or out of the office at the time. She continued on to the Executive Director, who sided with the Master Teacher. At this point her discussion with the Director became quite heated and animated. It sounds to me like she got somewhat belligerent and he doesn't tolerate any actions outside of the chain-of-command. She was summarily dismissed.

The next day, Friday, we kept Matthew home. I found out that evening that the Daycare Licensing board showed up at the daycare, referred on an "anonymous" tip that children were being neglected and Matthew was at the school ill. They interviewed all the parties involved and decided that no action was necessary. Not 30 minutes after they left, CPS shows up referred on an "anonymous" tip. The Assistant Director showed CPS their visitors' log entry for the Daycare Licensing board and explains the situation, seemingly to their satisfaction.

On comes Monday, when CPS showed up at the daycare again. They wanted to see Matthew. Of course, he wasn't there and wouldn't be until Wednesday. The Assistant Director again explained that she has no concerns for his welfare and that of all the kids in their school, they probably the last they'd consider in peril.

Wednesday rolled around and we don't hear anything. I went to talk to the directors, but they were in interviews. Thursday rolled around and we don't hear anything. I got a hold of the directors and explained my concerns and heard their explanations. They seemed to think that situation had been put to rest. Friday rolled around and we still haven't heard anything.

Today I spent most of the morning cleaning the house (It really looks like a tornado ripped through. Who knew a 4-year-old and a 10-month-old could cause so much damage?) when the doorbell rang. I though, "Great. A Jehovah's Witness."

She introduced herself and I invited her in. She started the conversation by saying with her first sentence, "We really think this is a load of BS, but we have to follow up anyway." Comforting words, but I still am anxious.

Although the interview went well and she left saying that they'd send me a letter to sign so the whole incident could get expunged from the system, it still made me question everything I have done as a parent. You hear all the horror stories about CPS taking kids with very little cause and even though you rationalize it intellectually, when you deal with them you wonder, "Will that be me?"

The part that gets me about the whole thing is that the assistant teacher, who had been charged with the care of our child and seemed to have done a good job, thought that she would be best served exacting revenge on her former employer and get us personally involved in CPS. How does this benefit anyone?

I hope this is the end of it.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

1 comment:

  1. You guys are awesome parents, and don't let this get you down. You are right, Matthew will kill you when he is older and his girlfriend is reading the blog...
