Thursday, December 11, 2008

Last day in VA

Andrew took the opportunity that our last day in VA presented and tossed some rocks in the Cherrys' driveway. As you do.

I thought I'd experiment with these. Thoughts?

(c) 2008 Scott Everett


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I like both - my gut it the black and white, but the red pants really look good against the old wood. Lock might be distracting. - liz

  2. Looking at it again I think the reds are too much. His lips are super bright and the color in his pants is starting to block-up.

    This seems to carry over into the B/W version a little, too. His lips there are super dark. I might reduce that some and try again.

    By the way, do all of his clothes have numbers on them?

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I noticed the lips, probably a funtion of it being chilly. And yes all of his clothes have numbers. - Liz
