Friday, December 19, 2008

I know I'm behind on my posts

The Christmas season always generates a bunch of photos, though.

Here are Andrew and Matthew decorating the tree. Our tree has two well-decorated quadrants; bottom-right and bottom-left, Andrew didn't seem to feel like decorating the middle. Matthew did his best effort in looking really cute.

Okay, I must admit that this ornament is actually mine. It's about 25 years old right now. I remember making it in school and thinking it had to be one of the coolest homemade ornaments ever. I still have an irrational soft spot in my heart for it to this day.

The only reason that I took this photo and posted it, though, is that Liz has never liked it. I don't know why. Maybe she projects all of her frustration from me onto this ornament, maybe she doesn't like spools, maybe she doesn't like my artwork, or maybe she's just a grinch©.

(c) 2008 Scott Everett

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    your mom always thought it was pretty specail too!!
